Best Friends 4-H Club
About, Tributes, and Articles
Motto: "If the map and the
terrain do not agree, believe the terrain." -- Charles W. Chaillet,
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Welcome to Best Friends
4-H Club, in Berrien County, Michigan, an inclusive 4-H canine project club,
designed to assist our Nontraditional (member with a life disability) and our
Traditional 4-H'ers in learning about the many aspects of canine handling,
including dog training, ownership responsibility and competitions.
The idea for a dog
science club serving Nontraditional 4-H'ers through a partnership among
4-H'ers, volunteer leaders, canines, and 4-H parents was realized in 1988 by
Patti Dynes and her son, David, after an exhaustive -- and fruitless -- search
for a dog training club that could accommodate a student with Down's Syndrome.
Over the years, the Best Friends 4-H Club role has expanded to encompass the
therapy benefits of training and competing with a canine for our youths with
life disabilities while also teaching the every day responsibility of dog
ownership and competing with their canines for our 4-H'ers without life
disabilities. Our 4-H'ers, nontraditional and traditional alike, benefit
greatly from the canine lessons, socialization and competitions at the Berrien
County Youth Fair -- and have a lot of fun doing it!
We are recognized
by the American Kennel Club (AKC) as the ONLY
This means that not only are our our 4-H'ers given the opportunity to enjoy the
sport of dog competitions in Dog Obedience, Rally, Agility, and Jr.
Showmanship, but our club's canine members are also eligible for their Canine
Therapy Dog Titles!
The links above
will take you to information about our Club members, our leaders, our dogs, and
our program. Below, you can find recognition and awards won by Best Friends 4-H
Club, as well as links to articles and a video detailing more about the impact
Best Friends 4-H has had on everyone involved.
Club History,
1988-2014.pdf * Awards/Resolutions/Tributes * Articles
In 2002, Best Friends 4-H
Club's members and leaders had a very strong ethical ownership responsibility
regarding canines and the American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizen Program.
Each member wrote and petitioned the Michigan House of Representatives for a
Resolution regarding 4-H and the American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizen
Program. In June of 2002, Best Friends 4-H Club received the STATE OF MICHIGAN
Berrien County, Michigan Resolution B1305120, 2013:
"Now, therefore, be it hereby resolved that the Berrien County Board of
Commissioners recognizes the Best Friends 4-H Club for their success in
offering a true 4-H experience to disabled youth in the canine project. Be it
further resolved that the mission of the Best Friends 4-H Club parallels that
of the Berrien County mission to improve the quality of life for present and
future generations." (Read the entire resolution here.)
In 2012 Best Friends 4-H Club Leaders received the
Berrien RESA (Regional Education Service Agency)
2012 Partnership in Education Award. This award was given
to Best Friends 4-H Club leaders for developing, initiating and implementing a
Canine Therapy Program in which our 4-H leaders and their own canine(s)
voluntarily enter Blossomland Learning Center in Berrien Springs, Michigan, and
team up on a one-on-one with a special education student, teaching and
encouraging the student to handle the volunteer team canine in obedience,
agility and rally lessons. The best part are the rewards of the smiles and
attempted interaction with the volunteer canines from the students.
In 2013, The State of Michigan gave Best Friends 4-H
Club a "Special Tribute ... Therefore, this document is signed and
dedicated to congratulate the Best Friends 4-H Club on the occasion of their
25th Anniversary. May their many good deeds continue to enrich Berrien County
for many years to come." (Read entire tribute here.)
Throughout the
years Best Friends has been a 4-H Club, several articles have been written
about our canine therapy program, our success at Berrien County Youth Fair and
the commitment or our 4-H Leaders, Team Instructors and our volunteer Team
1997 -
Special Dogs
Meet Needs of Special Kids by A. L. Hendrickson; Herald Palladium; St.
Joseph, MI
Best Friends Helps
Kids Learn Special Skills by Juanita Green; Herald Palladium; St.
Joseph, MI
2003 - Best Friends by Juanita Green Herald Palladium; St.
Joseph, MI
2005 -
A Club For Best Friends by Dana Slagle; Herald
Palladium; St. Joseph, MI
2006 -
4-H Club Opens Up New World to Kids by Ann Burch,
Herald Palladium; St. Joseph, MI
2006 -
A Very Special CGC Program by Mary Burch; Director
of AKC's CGC Program and Linda M. Shannon-Chaillet; Coordinator of Best Friends
4-H Club
2008 -
4-H Spring Achievement by Luke Gronneberg; Herald
Palladium; St. Joseph, MI
2009 - Canine Therapy Mission Goals by L. M.
Shannon-Chaillet; Noble Newf Dec 2009
2010 -
Canine Therapy Program Defined by Companion Newf by
Barbara Frey and L.M. Shannon-Chaillet; NCA Newf Tide; First Quarter 2010.
2010 -
Confidence with Canines by Ralph Heibutzki; Herald Palladium; St.
Joseph, MII
2011 - Berrien County Youth Fair; Herald
Palladium;St. Joseph, MI
2012 -
Friends 4-H Club Builds Employability Skills by Debra Barret, Michigan
State University Extension; Benton Harbor, MI
2012 - Canine Show Stopper; by Craig Haupert;
Niles Leader, Niles, MI
2012 - Show Stopper by Craig Haupert; The Daily
Star; Niles & Buchanan, MI
2012 - Berrien RESA to Honor Partners; Herald
Palladium; St. Joseph, MI
2013 -
The Pet Corner; by Lucy Kubash; Mail Max; St.
Joseph, MI
2013 -
Special Needs Kids Work With Dogs; William Crandell;
Off the Water, Niles, MI
2014 -
2015 -
Paws-Ative Therapy for Kids by Pat Moody
2022 -
4-H clubs focus
on recruitment efforts in Berrien County, by Tony Wittkowski, The
Herald-Palladium, 22 October 2022.
2022 -
Education Counts Michiana - Read to a Therapy Dog, Apr 20,
2022: One of Best Friends top 4-H leaders, Colleen Melendy, along with her team
canines, Blossom and Teddy, assisted in a video on the Canine Reading Programs
at the New Buffalo Township Library for PBS Michiana.
2023 -
The Friday Morning Breakfast Club Podcast on
COSY-FM, 28 April 2023. Best Friends Canine Therapy Volunteer Janet
Hess Cooper joins representatives from Caring Circle -- her portion is in the
second half of the podcast, at around 17:31. Keep listening after her first
intro -- they'll then introduce the the second Caring Circle volunteer -- then
Janet will tell you more about her dogs and how they connect with the patients.
2023 -
WNIT Pages and Paws, December 2023. Join Best Friends
Leaders Mary Jo Canaday and Janet Cooper, with their canines, at the Maud
Preston Palenske Memorial Library. "Pages and Paws is a monthly
opportunity for children to read to volunteer dogs at the Maud Preston Palenske
Memorial Library. As children read to the dogs, they build literacy skills and
gain confidence in reading out loud. The dogs also get important training on
their way to canine therapy certifications. The program works in partnership
with volunteers from the Best Friends 4-H club."

"Hands and Paws together always
in friendship and teamwork." -- L.M. Shannon-Chaillet
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Friends 4-H Club. All Rights Reserved.
© Copyright 2022, Pat Crean & Best Friends 4-H Club. All Rights
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