4-H four leaf clover logoBest Friends patch with paw and hand

Best Friends 4-H Club

Yearly Calendar

Updated 4 March 2025

Motto: "If the map and the terrain do not agree, believe the terrain." -- Charles W. Chaillet, Jr.

4-H'ers   *   Volunteer Leaders   *   Team Canines   *   Contact Us

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Adults helping child with dog on agility equipment

Jan.   *   Feb.   *   Mar.   *   Apr.   *   May   *   June   *   July

Aug.   *   Sept.   *   Oct.   *   Nov.   *   Dec.

PLEASE NOTE: Our Program Year runs from 1 September - 31 August. Calendar will be updated throughout the year.

Club Projects are for ALL MEMBERS (4-H'ers, parents, and leaders).

Leader's Projects are for LEADERS and their canines, and pertain to canine education/ canine therapy. HOWEVER, with parental permission, 4-H'ers are welcome to join in on most community service Leader's Projects, and will earn community service hours. If you have any questions, please contact Linda, shannollet@sbcglobal.net.


4-H clover logo bullet point     MARCH 2025     4-H clover logo bullet point

Monday, 3 March
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Club Project: Junior Showmanship Classes -- Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI. For details and registration instructions, please click here.

Friday, 7 March
9 - 11 am

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Roosevelt Elementary School, 2000 El Dorado Drive, Stevensville. NOTE: Janet Cooper and Marcia Hess will cover this project.

Monday, 10 March
10 am - Noon

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Hollywood Elementary School, 143 E. John Beers Road, Stevensville. NOTE: Only 3 leaders/ 3 dogs needed.

Monday, 10 March
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Club Project: Junior Showmanship Classes -- Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI. For details and the registration form, please click here.

Tuesday, 11 March
8:45 - 9:30 am

Leader's Project: Canine Education on Dog Safety and Owner Responsibility-- Lakeshore Middle School, 1459 W. John Beers Road, Stevensville, MI.

Monday, 17 March
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Club Project: Junior Showmanship Classes -- Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI. For details, please click here.

Tuesday, 18 March
9:30 - 10:15 am

Leader's Project: Canine Therapy -- Blossomland Learning Center, 711 St. Joseph Avenue, Berrien Springs, MI

Thursday, 20 March
6 - 7 pm

Club Project: Book Hounds -- St. Joseph / Maude Preston Palenski Memorial Library Children's Reading Room, 500 Market Street, St. Joseph, MI

Friday, 21 March
9 - 11 am

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Roosevelt Elementary School, 2000 El Dorado Drive, Stevensville. NOTE: Janet Cooper and Marcia Hess will cover this project.

Friday, 21 March
9 - 11 am

Leader's Project: Canine Therapy -- St.Joseph High School, 2521 Stadium Drive, St. Joseph, MI.

Monday, 24 March
10 am - Noon

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Hollywood Elementary School, 143 E. John Beers Road, Stevensville. NOTE: Only 3 leaders/ 3 dogs needed.

Monday, 24 March
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Club Project: Junior Showmanship Classes -- Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI. For details, please click here.

Tuesday, 25 March
9:30 - 10:30 am

Leader's Project: Canine Therapy-- Logan's Autism Learning Center, 1651 East Nickerson Ave; Benton Harbor, MI

Wednesday, 26 March
6:00 - 7:00pm

Club Project: Book Hounds-- Lincoln Township Library, 2099 W. John Beers Road, Stevensville, MI

Monday, 31 March
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Club Project: Junior Showmanship Classes DRESS REHERSAL!-- Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI. For details, please click here.



4-H clover logo bullet point     APRIL 2025     4-H clover logo bullet point

Friday, 11 April
9 - 11 am

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Roosevelt Elementary School, 2000 El Dorado Drive, Stevensville. NOTE: Janet Cooper and Marcia Hess will cover this project.

Monday, 14 April
10 am - Noon

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Hollywood Elementary School, 143 E. John Beers Road, Stevensville. NOTE: Only 3 leaders/ 3 dogs needed.

Monday, 14 April
10 am - 2 pm

Leader's Project: Canine Therapy -- Andrews University at the Campus Center

Tuesday, 15 April
9:30 - 10: 15 am

Leader's Project: Canine Therapy -- Blossomland Learning Center, 711 St. Joseph Avenue, Berrien Springs, MI

Thursday, 17 April
6 - 7 pm

Club Project: Book Hounds -- St. Joseph / Maude Preston Palenski Memorial Library Children's Reading Room, 500 Market Street, St. Joseph, MI

Friday, 18 April
9:00 - 11:00 am

Leader's Project: Canine Therapy -- St.Joseph High School, 2521 Stadium Drive, St. Joseph, MI.

Tuesday, 22 April
9:30 - 10:30 am

Leader's Project: Canine Therapy-- Logan's Autism Learning Center, 1651 East Nickerson Ave; Benton Harbor, MI

Wednesday, 23 April
6:00 - 7:00pm

Club Project: Book Hounds-- Lincoln Township Library, 2099 W. John Beers Road, Stevensville, MI

Friday, 25 April
9 - 11 am

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Roosevelt Elementary School, 2000 El Dorado Drive, Stevensville. NOTE: Janet Cooper and Marcia Hess will cover this project.

Monday, 28 April
10 am - Noon

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Hollywood Elementary School, 143 E. John Beers Road, Stevensville. NOTE: Only 3 leaders/ 3 dogs needed.

Wednesday, 30 April
10 am - 2 pm

Leader's Project: Canine Therapy -- Andrews University at the Campus Center, Buller Hall and Science Complex. (I will need 3 teams for this date)



4-H clover logo bullet point     MAY 2025     4-H clover logo bullet point

Saturday, 3 May 2025
11 am - 1 pm

Club Project: Book Hounds-- Buchanan District Library, 128 East Front St., Buchanan MI.

Monday, 5 May
6:00 - 8:00 pm

Club Project: Best Friends 4-H Summer Dog Project Registration-- Best Friends General Club Meeting. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Friday, 9 May
9 - 11 am

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Roosevelt Elementary School, 2000 El Dorado Drive, Stevensville. NOTE: Janet Cooper and Marcia Hess will cover this project.

Monday, 12 May
10 am - Noon

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Hollywood Elementary School, 143 E. John Beers Road, Stevensville. NOTE: Only 3 leaders/ 3 dogs needed.

Thursday, 15 May
6 - 7 pm

Club Project: Book Hounds -- St. Joseph / Maude Preston Palenski Memorial Library Children's Reading Room, 500 Market Street, St. Joseph, MI

Friday, 16May
9:00 - 11:00 am

Leader's Project: Canine Therapy -- St.Joseph High School, 2521 Stadium Drive, St. Joseph, MI.

Tuesday, 20 May
9:30 - 10:15 am

Leader's Project: Canine Therapy -- Blossomland Learning Center, 711 St. Joseph Avenue, Berrien Springs, MI

Tuesday, 27 May
9:30 - 10:30 am

Leader's Project: Canine Therapy-- Logan's Autism Learning Center, 1651 East Nickerson Ave; Benton Harbor, MI




4-H clover logo bullet point     JUNE 2025     4-H clover logo bullet point

NOTE: We will be starting our Best Friends Summer Dog Project. Training will take place at Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth St., St. Joseph. When classes have been completed, ALL MEMBERS will assist in putting away training and agility equipment. Entries in purple are extra practice sessions with Town & Country Paws and Pals.


Club Project-- Berrien Co. Youth Fair Trophy Return. Each exhibitor who won a "REVOLVING TROPHY" will be notified to return it to the Berrien County Youth Fair Main Office by the date specified in the notification.

6 - 8 pm

Club Project: Best Friends General Meeting with AKC Canine Good Citizenship Testing for the dogs who need it-- Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Monday, 2 June
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Best Friends 4-H Summer Dog Project-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI. NOTE: EVERYONE NEEDS TO REGISTER FOR THESE CLASSES!

Thursday, 5 June
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Town & Country Paws and Pals dog training session for extra practice-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Monday, 9 June
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Best Friends 4-H Summer Dog Project-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Thursday, 12 June
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Town & Country Paws and Pals dog training session for extra practice-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Monday, 16June
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Best Friends 4-H Summer Dog Project-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Thursday, 19 June
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Town & Country Paws and Pals dog training session for extra practice-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Monday, 23 June
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Best Friends 4-H Summer Dog Project-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Thursday, 26 June
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Town & Country Paws and Pals dog training session for extra practice-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Monday, 30 June
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Best Friends 4-H Summer Dog Project-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.



4-H clover logo bullet point     JULY 2024     4-H clover logo bullet point

Tuesday, 1 July

THE BERRIEN COUNTY YOUTH FAIR DOG EVENTS REGISTRATIONS DUE! NO LATE REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED! Two pictures of your canine must accompany your registration. Please review your BCYF Department 22 – Dogs Canine Regulations and see our Berrien County Youth Fair page for registration forms and instructions.

NO DOG CLASSES at Mutterly Love tonight -- Enjoy your Independence Day !

Monday, 7 July


Monday, 14 July
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Best Friends 4-H Summer Dog Project-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Thursday, 17 July
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Town & Country Paws and Pals dog training session for extra practice-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Monday, 21 July
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Best Friends 4-H Summer Dog Project-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Thursday, 24 July
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Town & Country Paws and Pals dog training session for extra practice-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Monday, 28 July
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Best Friends 4-H Summer Dog Project-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Thursday, 31 July
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Town & Country Paws and Pals dog training session for extra practice-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.



4-H clover logo bullet point     AUGUST 2024     4-H clover logo bullet point

Monday, 4 August
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Best Friends 4-H Summer Dog Project LAST CLASS!-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Thursday, 7 August
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Town & Country Paws and Pals dog training session for extra practice-- Classes in Obedience, Agility, Rally, Figure 8, and Scent Work, in preparation for the Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events. Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI.

Sunday, 10 August
8 am - 2 pm

Berrien County Youth Fair Entry Day – Exhibitor must verify your Dog Event entries and pick up your Exhibitor's Pass. . BCYF Entry Office, Building #10, 9122 US 31, Berrien Springs, MI.

Tuesday, 12 August
8:00 am - 7:00 pm

Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events Begin, BCYF Dog & Cat area, Building #34.

  • BCYF Dog Health Check
  • BCYF Dog Event -- Inclusive Rally
  • : BCYF Dog Event -- Inclusive Dog Costume
  • BCYF Dog Event -- Nontraditional Obedience and Agility

Wednesday, 13 August
8:00 am - 7:00 pm

Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events, BCYF Dog & Cat area, Building #34.

  • BCYF Dog Health Check
  • BCYF Dog Event -- Inclusive Junior Showmanship
  • BCYF Dog Event -- Traditional Obedience
  • Meet and Greet public program

Thursday, 14 August
8 am - 7 pm

Berrien County Youth Fair Dog Events, BCYF Dog & Cat area, Building #34.

  • BCYF Dog Health Check
  • BCYF Dog Event -- Inclusive Scent Work
  • BCYF Dog Event -- Traditional Agility

Friday, 15 August
10 am - Noon

Berrien County Youth Fair Small Animal Showmanship Sweepstakes.

Friday, 31 August

END OF 4-H 2022-2023 FISCAL YEAR! Be ready to start all over again with membership renewals on Monday, 2 September!



4-H clover logo bullet point     SEPTEMBER 2025     4-H clover logo bullet point

Monday, 1 September

BEGINNING OF 4-H 2024/2025 FISCAL YEAR: Renew 4-H Membership Online! See Registration page for instructions.

Monday, 1 September


Monday, 15 September
7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Best Friends and Town & Country Paws & Pals Christmas Party Planning Meeting-- Mutterly Love. NOTE: Please bring paper and pen with you for note-taking.

Wednesday, 17 September
10 - 11: 30 am

Leader's Project: Canine Education on Dog Safety and Owner Responsibility-- Lincoln Township Library, 2099 W. John Beers Road; Stevensville, MI .

Thursday, 18 September
6 - 7 pm

Club Project: Book Hounds-- St. Joseph / Maude Preston Palenski Memorial Library Children's Reading Room, 500 Market Street, St. Joseph, MI

7 - 8:30 pm

Club Project: Attention all Leaders, Parents, and 4-H'ers: GENERAL MEETING-- Mutterly Love.  REGISTRATION FOR BEST FRIENDS 4H CLUB can be completed at this time. Dues for 2024-2025 is $10.00 per year and can be paid at this time. All 4-H and Club updates will be announced.



4-H clover logo bullet point     OCTOBER 2025     4-H clover logo bullet point

Thursday, 16 October
6 - 7 pm

Club Project: Book Hounds-- St. Joseph / Maude Preston Palenski Memorial Library Children's Reading Room, 500 Market Street, St. Joseph, MI



4-H clover logo bullet point     NOVEMBER 2024     4-H clover logo bullet point


Club Project -- Canine Registration Begins-- new or reregistration for all Best Friends Canines for therapy programs. Mail in registration will be accepted.Contact Linda for address. Click here for registration form.

Thursday, 20 November
6 - 7 pm

Club Project: Book Hounds-- St. Joseph / Maude Preston Palenski Memorial Library Children's Reading Room, 500 Market Street, St. Joseph, MI

Saturday, 22 November
9:30 am - 10:30 am

Club Project -- ThanksForGiving Berrien County Youth Fair - Youth Memorial Building, 9122 Hwy 31, Berrien Springs . Club members and leaders are all invited to meet to assemble and distribute Thanksgiving dinner baskets. Click here for the 2024 flier.



4-H clover logo bullet point     DECEMBER 2025     4-H clover logo bullet point

Saturday, 6 December
3 - 6 pm

Club Project -- Christmas in The Village-- St. Joseph Avenue, Stevensville, in front of Watermark Brewing Co. 4-H'ers, Leaders, and Parents -- bring your dogs to meet and greet the public and spread the word about Best Friends 4-H programs! . MSU is giving us items to hand out. NOTE: Please wear warm clothing.

5:20 - 8:30 pm

Club Project -- Best Friends/ Town & Country Pets & Pals Christmas Dinner/ Meeting, Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth, St. Joe. Don't forget to bring litter, pet food, treats, toys, and other items for donation to Berrien County Animal Control!

Thursday, 18 December
6 - 7 pm

Club Project: Book Hounds-- St. Joseph / Maude Preston Palenski Memorial Library Children's Reading Room, 500 Market Street, St. Joseph, MI

31 December

Club Project -- Canine Registration Deadline -- new or reregistration for all Best Friends Canines for therapy programs. Mail in registration will be accepted. Contact Linda for address.




4-H clover logo bullet point     JANUARY 2025     4-H clover logo bullet point

Friday, 10 January
9 - 11 am

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Roosevelt Elementary School, 2000 El Dorado Drive, Stevensville. NOTE: Janet Cooper and Marcia Hess will cover this project.

Friday, 10 January
9 - 11 am

Leader's Project: Canine Therapy -- St.Joseph High School, 2521 Stadium Drive, St. Joseph, MI.

Monday, 13 January
10 am - noon

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Hollywood Elementary School, 143 E. John Beers Road, Stevensville. NOTE: Only 3 leaders/ 3 dogs needed.

Wednesday, 13 January

Club Project: REGISTRATION BEGINS for Junior Showmanship Classes -- Classes will be held in March at Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI. Register NOW through Monday, 24 February 2025. For details and registration instructions, please click here.

Thursday, 16 January
6 - 7 pm

Club Project: Book Hounds-- St. Joseph / Maude Preston Palenski Memorial Library Children's Reading Room, 500 Market Street, St. Joseph, MI

Tuesday, 21 January
9:30 - 10:15 am

Leader's Project: Blossomland Learning Center Canine Therapy -- in the Gym with teacher, Brian Keuning -- Blossomland Learning Center, 711 St. Joseph Avenue, Berrien Springs, MI

Wednesday, 22 January
6:00 - 7:00pm

Club Project: Book Hounds-- Lincoln Township Library, 2099 W. John Beers Road, Stevensville, MI

Friday, 24 January
9 - 11 am

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Roosevelt Elementary School, 2000 El Dorado Drive, Stevensville. NOTE: Janet Cooper and Marcia Hess will cover this project.

Monday, 27 January
10 am - Noon

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Hollywood Elementary School, 143 E. John Beers Road, Stevensville. NOTE: Only 3 leaders/ 3 dogs needed.

Tuesday, 28 January
9:30 - 10:30 am

Leader's Project: Canine Therapy-- Logan's Autism Learning Center, 1651 East Nickerson Ave; Benton Harbor, MI

Wednesday, 31 January

CANINE REGISTRATION FORMS DUE! Click here for registration form.



4-H clover logo bullet point     FEBRUARY 2025      4-H clover logo bullet point

Saturday, 1 February
11 am - 1 pm

Club Project: Book Hounds-- Buchanan District Library, 128 East Front St., Buchanan MI.

Friday, 7 February
9 - 11 am

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Roosevelt Elementary School, 2000 El Dorado Drive, Stevensville. NOTE: Janet Cooper and Marcia Hess will cover this project.

Monday, 10 February
10 am - Noon

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Hollywood Elementary School, 143 E. John Beers Road, Stevensville. NOTE: Only 3 leaders/ 3 dogs needed.

Tuesday, 18 February
9:30 - 10:15 am

Leader's Project: Blossomland Learning Center Canine Therapy -- in the Gym with teacher, Brian Keuning -- Blossomland Learning Center, 711 St. Joseph Avenue, Berrien Springs, MI

Thursday, 20 February
6 - 7 pm

Club Project: Book Hounds-- St. Joseph / Maude Preston Palenski Memorial Library Children's Reading Room, 500 Market Street, St. Joseph, MI

Friday, 21 February
9 - 11 am

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Roosevelt Elementary School, 2000 El Dorado Drive, Stevensville. NOTE: Janet Cooper and Marcia Hess will cover this project.

Friday, 21 February
9 - 11 am

Leader's Project: Canine Therapy -- St.Joseph High School, 2521 Stadium Drive, St. Joseph, MI.

Sunday, 23 February
5:30 - 8 pm

Club Project: Canine Good Citizenship (CGC) Testing -- Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI. For details, please click here.

Monday, 24 February

Club Project: REGISTRATION ENDS for Junior Showmanship Classes -- Classes will be held in March at Mutterly Love, 200 Kerth Street, St. Joseph, MI. For details and registration instructions, please click here.

Monday, 24 February
10 am - Noon

Leader's Project: Book Hounds-- Hollywood Elementary School, 143 E. John Beers Road, Stevensville. NOTE: Only 3 leaders/ 3 dogs needed.

Tuesday, 25 February
9:30 - 10:30 am

Leader's Project: Canine Therapy-- Logan's Autism Learning Center, 1651 East Nickerson Ave; Benton Harbor, MI

Wednesday, 26 February
6:00 - 7:00pm

Club Project: Book Hounds-- Lincoln Township Library, 2099 W. John Beers Road, Stevensville, MI




People in heavy coats with their dogs


"Hands and Paws together always in friendship and teamwork." -- L.M. Shannon-Chaillet

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Watch our video, PAWS-ATIVE THERAPY   *   Follow us on Facebook


Copyright 2022, Best Friends 4-H Club. All Rights Reserved.
Photos © Copyright 2022, Pat Crean & Best Friends 4-H Club. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.
Website Design by Michelle E. Crean, Hook and Web Designs. Problems? Please contact design@crean.com