Best Friends 4-H Club
Volunteer Leaders/ Team Instructors
Motto: "If the map and the
terrain do not agree, believe the terrain." -- Charles W. Chaillet,
What Is A Team
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What is a Team
Without our
Best Friends 4-H Club Leaders/ Team Instructors, there would not be a
Nontraditional summer dog
project. They are the very backbone of our program, each working with one
Nontraditional 4-H'er and a Team Canine (which may be the 4-H'er's dog, the
Team Instructor's dog, or a dog belonging to another member of the club -- you
do not have to bring your own dog to be a Team Instructor).
What is a Team
Instructor? To put it simply, a Team Instructor is a 4-H volunteer leader who
acts as a personal dog trainer for a Nontraditional 4-H'er. What is a
Nontraditional 4-H'er? A Nontraditional 4-H'er is a person who has a life
disability and cannot meet the standards of canine handling set by the American
Kennel Club without the aid of a Team Instructor.
However, the
duties of a Team Instructor are not that simple. It takes a steadfast
and committed person to teach the one-on-one canine class exercises to a person
May or may not have communication skills.
May or may not fully comprehend the concepts of canine
May have physical mountains to climb just to hold a
May have tactile issues regarding touching the dog or
you with praise and respect.
May not be fully cognitive.
Then there
are the Team Instructor's own personal studies in preparing the material for
teaching his or her assigned non-traditional 4-H'er. (You'll find much of what
you need to know on our Resources/References page;
we also recommend that you download
4-H Dog Project Manual; Facilitator Guide for Leaders and
4-H Members, by Mary R. Burch, PhD.) The Team Instructor must be
prepared in the studies of:
The diagnosis of his or her assigned non-traditional
The good manner behavior skills that will be accepted
from both the non-traditional 4-H'er and the canine alike.
The canine tools necessary for each class subject
taught. (Canine Obedience, Agility, Rally, Junior Showmanship, Canine Safety
and Ownership Responsibility and Canine Anatomy).
The canine training techniques and how to adapt those
same techniques to meet his or her assigned non-traditional 4-H'er's needs in
each class subject.
Recognizing stress symptoms in both the non-traditional
4-H'er and the canine.
Understanding the canine training goals of the dog
competitions the team will enter: the Berrien County Youth Fair's
Nontraditional Canine Competitions in obedience, rally, agility and costume,
and an AKC Canine Good Citizenship Test.
Above all, a
Team Instructor must be willing to donate his or her TIME to the
Nontraditional 4-H'er's and Team Canine at the dog project classes -- two (2)
to three (3) hours per session for eight (8) to nine (9) Monday evenings in
June, July, and August, one day to the Nontraditional Canine Competitions at
the Berrien County Youth Fair, and an hour or so if needed at the AKC Canine
Good Citizenship Test.
This may
sound daunting, but Best Friends holds a Team Instructor training class on the
first Monday in May, and Club Coordinators are on hand evey step of the way to
provide guidance and support when needed.
If you are
interested in becoming a 4-H Team Instructor for Best Friends 4-H Club's summer
dog project, please also read our
Team Instructor Policy carefully, then
contact Linda Shannon-Chaillet.
She'll answer any further questions you might have, then guide you through the
process of registering both as a 4-H Leader (required for liability purposes)
and as a Team Instructor for Best Friends 4-H!

Friends 4-H Leaders' Projects
Best Friends
Canine Therapy Projects for leaders is not just volunteering for the Summer Dog
Project. Best Friends has evolved into an enjoyable year-round community canine
therapy and service program in which we:
Share our registered* temperament tested canines
with the community by visiting nursing homes, schools, libraries and
hospitals, and senior centers thus earning our American Kennel Club Canine
Therapy titles!
Continue our canine education by taking Canine
Obedience, Agility, Jr. Showmanship, Rally and Scent Work lessons offered by
Best Friends 4-H Club, Mutterly Love, and the Berrien Kennel Club. Classes are
free to 4-H registered leaders. (*Please note: "Registered" is
defined as having completed 4-H and Best Friends 4-H Club's annual membership
applications and having paid annual club dues.)
Try to meet once a month to keep ourselves and our dogs
up to date and in practice for when we add a Non-Traditional 4-Her to the
team for the summer dog project.
Work on earning our American Kennel Club Canine Therapy
Titles, Canine Good Citizen titles, Dog Obedience titles, and Trick Dog titles
through the club's services.
- Are, along with our registered canines, covered under the 4-H liability
insurance umbrella when completing an approved canine therapy visit.
Best Friends 4-H Leaders
Year-Round Canine Therapy Projects currently being offered are:
4-H Leaders Continuing Canine
Education: FREE Continuing Canine Education through dog training
classes at Mutterly Love.
4-H Team Instructor
Class: Team Instructor Class will be scheduled in May of each year
to assist the new and renewed 4-H Team Instructor in updating and understanding
the 4-H Summer Dog Class Projects training and goals for the 4-Hers.
AKC Canine Good Citizenship
Titles: Leaders and canines participate in CGC Testing, which allows
the leaders and 4-H'ers to earn CGC titles.
American Kennel Club (AKC) Trick Dog Title:
Leaders assist and participate in the AKC Trick Dog competition, allowing our
4-H'ers to earn one of the AKC titles.
Andrews University
Seminars: Best Friends 4-H Club leaders and canines are invited into
the Nursing Department once a year to educate and demonstrate the advantages of
Canine Therapy to the future nurses. In bringing canines into the classroom as
a visual aid, we are demonstrating the practicality of how canines assist, in
the knowledge that alternative nursing does have its benefits.
Berrien County Youth Fair Dog
Events: At the culmination of the Summer Dog Project training, the
4-Her, his/her Team Instructor, and the team canine enter the Berrien
County Youth Fairs Dog Events in Rally, Dog Costume, Dog Obedience, Jr.
Showmanship and Dog Agility thus attaining the Summer Dog Project Training
Canine Therapy at Blossomland
Learning Center and Logan's Autism Learning Center: During the
months of September through April, Best Friends 4-H Club leaders bring their
temperament tested canines into the school gym and encourage the Nontraditional
(life challenged, handicapped, etc.) students to interact with the dog by
walking the dog, assisting the dog through some low impact agility obstacles,
or just petting the dog, promoting the use of the child's cognitive thinking
process, communications and tactile skills in a positive manner. Tools for this
event are one to two leashes. Canines Harness/Vest: If you
dog needs a harness or vest, please make sure the dog is wearing the item
before you enter the school.
"BOOK HOUNDS" at Berrien County Libraries:
By invitation, Best Friends 4-H Club leaders will bring their canines into the
library and have a child read a book to their dog in fifteen-to-twenty-minute
sessions. Many children feel more at ease when they read to a pet, who is
simply there to listen not to judge how well the child is communicating
the words. FYI
Studies have shown that children who read to dogs achieve
higher end-of-year reading scores. Three of the top Best Friends 4-H leaders
and their canines, Colleen Melendy (Blossom and Teddy), Mary Jo Canaday (Lacy),
and Janet Cooper (Journey and Alwee), along with their team canines,assisted in
two videos on the Canine Reading Programs for PBS Michiana. You can see these
videos on Education Counts Michiana - Read to a Therapy Dog and
WNIT Pages and Paws.
Canine Education in
Schools: At the schools invitation, depending on the goal of
the educational program, and using the dog as a canine therapy tool, , Best
Friends 4-H Club leaders and their temperament tested canines will visit
classrooms to assist in canine safety education, and by using the canine as a
therapy tool, help de-stress the students. Depending upon the need, the Best
Friends 4-H Club leader and canine will:
- Canine Reading Program: Have the
student read to the dog.
- Canine Safety Program: Ask permission
first before petting someone's dog, what to do if a strange dog approaches you,
- Canine Ownership and Responsibility Program:
Teaching what is involved with owning a dog
- Career Day: Assisting Students in
finding careers in the dog world.
Canine Therapy in the
Hospitals: Best Friends 4-H Club works with Berrien County hospitals
in bringing their dogs into the hospital for patient and staff destressing.
Canine Therapy in Nursing
Homes: Often the hardest thing for someone going into a nursing home
or assisted living isn't just having to give up independence -- it's having to
give up a beloved pet. Best Friends 4-H Club works with Berrien County nursing
homes in bringing the love and comfort of a dog to both patients and staff.
Canine Therapy in Retirement
Homes: Best Friends 4-H Club works with Berrien County retirememt
homes in bringing their dogs into the hospital for patient and staff
destressing and enjoyment.
Canine Therapy Sessions in
Schools: Schools and Universities invite Best Friends leaders to
bring in canines for student and staff destressing and enjoyment.
Best Friends 4-H Club Community
Service Projects:
Leaders and
4-Hers join in and contribute to these events:
Berrien County, Michigans 4-H
Thanks-4-Giving Project: Every November, Berrien
County 4-H clubs, along with the MSU Extension Office and The Farm Bureau, join
together to purchase and collect groceries, and put together food baskets for a
Thanksgiving dinner to donate to families that are having financial
Berrien County Animal Control
Raffle: Instead of a gift exchange at the annual Best Friends 4-H
Club Christmas Dinner Meeting, leaders,4-Hers, and family members bring
purchased dog food, treats, and realted items to be donated to the Berrien
County Animal Control. These donations can then be traded for raffle tickets to
"win" a variety of fun and useful items.
AKC Canine Good Citizen
Testing: Each year Best Friends Coordinators and members sponsor and
participate in an American Kennel Canine Good Citizen Test, giving 4-H'ers,
leaders, and the public an opportunity to temperament test their dogs and earn
one of many AKC titles.
NEW IN 2024:
American Kennel Club (AKC) Trick Dog Title:
leaders can now assist and participate in the AKC Trick Dog competition,
allowing leaders and 4-H'ers to earn his or her dog's AKC Trick Dog titles!
Printable version of the Best Friends 4-H Leader Special
4-H Team
Instructor's Pledge:
I pledge my
HEAD by giving my assigned 4-H'er the dog training concept tools I have and to
help him or her understand canine training theories as clearly as possible.
I pledge my HEART to encourage and
support my assigned 4-H'er no matter whether he or she has successes or
disappointments in canine therapy and dog competition training.
I pledge my HANDS in assisting my
assigned 4-H'er to learn life lessons and life skills through 4-H's Canine
Therapy and Dog Competition Training.
I pledge my HEALTH by keeping
myself and my own canine strong and well for a better world through 4-H.

"Hands and Paws together always
in friendship and teamwork." -- L.M. Shannon-Chaillet
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Copyright 2022,, Best Friends 4-H Club. All Rights Reserved.
"What is a Team Instructor?" article © Copyright 2013 by L. M.
Shannon Chaillet
otherwise stated, Photos © Copyright 2022, Pat Crean & Best Friends
4-H Club. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.
"Book Hound"
Photos © Copyright 2022, Maud Preston Palenske Memorial Library in St.
Joseph, MI. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.
class photo © Copyright 2022, Best Friends 4-H Club. All Rights Reserved.
Used with permission.
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